Important Notice: 2015 Guidelines course materials unavailable after 12/31/21
Oct 14, 2021, 09:53 AM by User Not FoundNow that the ECSI course materials have been revised to cover the latest CPR and ECC guidelines, ECSI courses delivered after January 1, 2022 will be required to use these updated Teaching Packages, online courses, and course manuals.Full story
The Original EMT Textbook Celebrates 50th Anniversary with New Twelfth Edition
BURLINGTON, MASS. –Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group, a division of Ascend Learning, announced the release of the 12th edition of Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured.Full story
Research Summit Update and Upcoming Research Webinars
Dec 29, 2021, 14:58 PM by User Not FoundA Fisdap Research Summit will not be held in February, 2022, however, future support of EMS research will remain steadfast. We’re exploring new ways to make access to research even more accessible to the masses, beginning with a pair of webinars in February to help explain EMS research and why its important.Full story