Recert offers world-class content from EMS thought leaders in enlightened formats
You want access to stimulating continuing education in a variety of interactive formats that will expand your knowledge base and help your patients in the field. Recert offers transformative education that is available on your terms and on your schedule, at a price that is right for you.
100% Trusted, CAPCE-Approved Content
All Recert courses are nationally accredited by CAPCE, the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (formerly CECBEMS). Almost every state accepts CAPCE credits. Contact your State Office of EMS to verify acceptance.
Applicable • Interactive • Relevant • Transformative
- Applicable: Every Recert course meets an NCCP requirement and/or meets a documented need in the profession.
- Interactive: Every Recert course is interactive, from game-based learning, to patient simulations, to live patient videos, to critical-thinking scenarios.
- Relevant: The evidence-based content in Recert aligns with recognized medical standards, guidelines, and protocols.
- Transformative: Recert offers true continuing education that can be applied in the field. It expands on the initial education curriculum and challenges learners to advance their training.

Take Advantage of Expanded Online Recertification Opportunities
The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians’ (NREMT) new continuing education model, the National Continuing Competency Program (NCCP), accepts more online hours for recertification than ever before. Recert allows you to take advantage of these changes so you can take accredited continuing education on your schedule.
World-Class Content

Most courses offered on Recert take just 1 to 2 hours to complete and feature an emphasis on interactive, media-rich, scenario-based learning and high-quality posttests developed by subject matter experts. Much of the core content on Recert is adapted from gold standard education courses, videos, and learning materials created by the Public Safety Group, NAEMT, and other prestigious medical organizations.